The Trilogy of the Matrix Movies are all good. I especially love the first one.
I like the idea of this so much I have included the clip for you to view.
So Much of what we know to be true is based on our own past Experience and that of other people and situations who have influenced us in the past, unconsciously dictates how we perceive each experience.
The interesting thing about this is that we often will not challenge our beliefs and believe them to be "Solid Gold" to the point where we may argue our Point with others and fail to see reason.
Sometimes we are actually "Arguing for our Limitations" ..
If this is of Interest to you and you would like to find out more on alternate Realities I strongly suggest you Invest in a copy of "Prometheus Rising" a Masterpiece in my opinion written by the Late Robert Anton Wilson who liked to speak about "Reality Tunnels" (or to those of you who who already familiar)... R.A.W!.
This is not his only great book so please take the time to get to know more of the books he has Authored many can be found on Amazon and I have included a Link.
Buy Books From R.A.W.
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The Ideology is about Mind Bending and perceiving your experience from a different Point of view.
When you challenge the Traditional ways in which you access your own Values and Beliefs your thoughts begin to change, How you experience the world then will change also.
So Much of what we know to be true is based on our own past Experience and that of other people and situations who have influenced us in the past, unconsciously dictates how we perceive each experience.
The interesting thing about this is that we often will not challenge our beliefs and believe them to be "Solid Gold" to the point where we may argue our Point with others and fail to see reason.
Sometimes we are actually "Arguing for our Limitations" ..
If this is of Interest to you and you would like to find out more on alternate Realities I strongly suggest you Invest in a copy of "Prometheus Rising" a Masterpiece in my opinion written by the Late Robert Anton Wilson who liked to speak about "Reality Tunnels" (or to those of you who who already familiar)... R.A.W!.
This is not his only great book so please take the time to get to know more of the books he has Authored many can be found on Amazon and I have included a Link.
Buy Books From R.A.W.
So This Leads me to Todays Topic which is about The Presuppositions of NLP.
NLP is Based on the Idea of a Certain Flexibility in Behavior, Perception and Attitude combined with building states of resourcefulness such as Confidence, Congruence and a willingness to believe in the possibility despite your most obvious current circumstance.
The Presuppositions of NLP cannot be proven to be true have been found useful as a vehicle of change and achieving out of the box thinking and so are a foundation to Universal acceptance and understanding of NLP.
I will Break these Presuppositions Down into 4 Categories:
1. Mental Processing.
The Map is Not the Territory - Alfred Korbzbski
(People Speak from their own interpretation of each experience.)
We are all slightly separate from "Reality" The maps we draw represent the experience although are not the experience ... Rather our representation there of.
People Respond according to their own internal Maps.
So depending on the persons internal interpretation of the Event will influence how He/she responds.
Meaning operates Context - Dependently
The words may be the same such as if I call my Partner Honey and I then call an old lady I help on the Bus Honey They both Mean different things.
Mind and Body affect each other
One can not operate without the other and each influence each other Mind/body act as a whole.
Individuals Function by accessing and sequencing Rep Systems
Representation systems are the way that people process and sequence the received Brainwave function that is communication into Action.
We respect each others Model of the world.
We fully understand appreciate and respect others interpret events differently to us even if we were all experiencing the same thing and interpreting it it differently.
2. Human Behavior Responses.
We are more than our Behavior
"I like Michael, although I didn't like what he did today "! (Person and Behavior are separate)
Every behavior has utility and context in some capacity
"He robbed a Bank and shot 3 people in the bank - His original Intention was to steal enough money to buy a liver transplant for his daughter - He got desperate and it all went wrong somewhere down the line". (Looking for the positive intention in each behavior) no matter how grotesque our original judgement may be.
We evaluate behavior and change in terms of context and ecology
Laughing Loudly at a funeral was inappropriate, Laughing loudly at the comedy club was appropriate. (Certain Behavior may not seem useful in one ecological circumstance although may even prove vital in others).
3. Communication Responses.
We cannot not communicate
Even without meaning to communicate we are communicating through our thoughts and energy.
The way we communicate affects perception and rejection
How we use Tonality, Facial expression, speech rate, Inflection and so on effects the delivery of the words we choose. Often changing the meaning and the way our meaning is received within others.
The meaning of communication is the response we get
The way others are responding to our communication is the way our Communication has been received (if we get responses we don't like with our communication we need to adjust our communication until we get the desired results). Accountability.
The one who sets the Frame for communication controls the actions
The originator of the communication sets the tone for the way the words are received. (Frame = Magnified interpretation)
There is no failure only feedback
As long as you have enjoyed the experience and gained something from it you are still able to continue until you succeed. Failure implies it has finished.
The person with the most Flexibility exercises the most influence in the system
More flexibility more choices which is continued movement forward as opposed to giving up or stopping because limitations of beliefs will not allow for flexibility.
Resistance indicates the lack of rapport.
With enough Rapport you can help people experience a different Map of the world and even influence them in anything.
4. Learning - Choice - Change.
People have the internal resources that they need to succeed
We have everything we need inside us, we all have the same internal processing equipment, we may just need somebody to help us access it.
Humans have the ability to experience "One Trial Learning"
humans can learn to associate anything with anything and do so very unconsciously, (this is how a Phobia is formed for example)
All communication should increase choice
If communication is masterfully crafted with flexibility in behavior and ideas the choices grow.
People make the best choices open to them at the time
People do the best they can at any given time.
We can run our own brains and control our results
We are able to control how we use our Brain and therefor are accountable for our Actions.
If you like this NLP Blog then be sure to share it with more people who will benefit too.
There are over 200 more Empowering articles to enjoy and remember NLP is Fun so enjoy the whole experience.
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Thanks for reading, Speak soon.
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