Wednesday, March 5, 2014

NLP is Fun Online NLP Practice Group

What is an NLP Practice group anyway 
NLP is Fun in Las Vegas is a NLP Practice group where newcomers to NLP, students of NLP beginners and advanced, get together and learn brand new patterns of NLP and Hypnosis. Traditionally it has been in Las Vegas.
What can I expect if I come to one 
Our subjects vary each month and we meet weekly for Hypnosis or NLP interchangeably. This year I am going to expand what we do offline in Las Vegas to Online webinars so everyone internationally can have a chance to join in all of the fun. Some of our practicers have been with us for many, many years and we have developed wonderful relationships that will probably last forever more.
I don't live in Las Vegas how can I come 
There is just so much I would like to share with you too and now that I have been doing this for a while and have been asked for it so many times, it seems silly not to, and so I have decided the time is now.

Here are the things I am going to start offering online as well as offline.
NLP Practice Group
NLP Coaching groups
Mastermind groups.

And other types of online learning and experiencing opportunities for those of you who are interested.

Our Next Las Vegas practice group
In the meantime, if you are out and about in the old LV (Las Vegas) then come out on Monday night March 11th 7pm - 9pm to NLP Practice group where we will be Overcoming internal Conflict with NLP .
Remember if you want to be successful in life and business, you must learn how to Master your own Mind first and there is nothing better than lashings of NLP to help you along your way.
By the way if you would like to know more about me then click here no need to be shy.

When will you have the next online Event 
Watch this space we will have our first one this month.

In other news:
What has NLP helped you to Master recently ?

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