Thursday, March 17, 2011

The NLP Interviews - Romilla Ready

Today I am featuring Best selling co Author of "NLP for Dummies" and "The NLP Workbook" Romilla Ready.

Romilla is an Internationally known Relationship Expert and has a great way of explaining NLP in a Fun, Interesting and relevant way.
Romilla Ready Bio

Her Books are used by some NLP Training schools as part of their pre course reading work, and takes a simplified approach to breaking down  a pretty thorough outline of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming for Intelligent people ;)

To watch a variety of Internationally known Top Trainers check out  The NLP Interviews  and for Romilla Ready's Full Video Interview please click Here

If you are interested in Contacting  Romilla and having some NLP fun with her please access her site here
Ready Solutions  have some fun with Romilla you will be happy you did.

*I am in no way affiliated with Romilla Ready or Ready Solutions LTD all of my comments are experience based and my own personal opinion.

Find out about You NLP and me  NLP is Fun in Las Vegas  as usual have fun with it.

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