Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Secrets of Success Richard Bandler and Iwan Thomas MBE | NLP is Fun

Watch this video as Richard Bandler speaks with Iwan Thomas MBE to understand his powerful winning strategy as a Top performing Athlete who has overcome extreme obstacles and still come back for the Gold
Perhaps you may have a strategy like this, that you are already using in another area of your life.

For example:
If there is something you are really great at, your internal representations and the stories you tell yourself will be far more compelling then with something you dread doing.

Can you see yourself as a Winner
Can you see yourself only getting first place
Can you see yourself doing this repeatedly in your mind until it becomes a knee jerk reaction

Using NLP you can create a Powerful winning strategy watch the Video for more of n explanation of this.

This is part of a Dvd Series called The Secrets of Success which can be ordered with the info provided on the end of the video.

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